Pilates in the Park

PLEASE NOTE: this is currently unavailable.


Hello – I’m really pleased to share that from this Thursday I will starting a brand new matwork Pilates class in a brand new venue. Pilates in the Park is being held on Thursdays at 1.30pm in the lovely new studio of the Tennis Café in Gildredge park, Eastbourne. I’m envisaging people coming to the class then treating themselves to a hot drink from the super café…And possibly something delicious too. Here’s the link to the map so you can find your way: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Tennis+in+the+Park/@50.770542,0.273274,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x57f423aadd0538cd?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwilmpe8x_3kAhXKWRUIHTcGCOkQ_BIwCnoECA8QCA

I have 15 years of clinical experience as an osteopath and have always been very movement-focused. Alongside treatment I give stretches and exercises, so that patients might recover quickly and fully.

I did APPI Pilates teacher training to bring together patient rehabilitation into classes. This type of Pilates was developed by physiotherapists so it includes only those movements which are clinically beneficial. Please see https://appihealthgroup.com/about/the-appi-method/ for further information. My classes are small so I can whizz around and check that everyone is moving correctly. It also means we can chat about anatomy or clinical relevance if you so wish. Watch out – I have a lot to share!

If you would be interested in joining me please call on 07710 701 273. It is always preferable to discuss your health and capabilities before the class.

Give yourself the strength you need for the life you lead!